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The New Trips

Our way of traveling is changing


I am Idoia Lozano, director of Apartamentos Dos Torres, as a travel lover and within the millennial generation, today I would like to talk about the new travel trend for young people, from my own opinion and with other sources that I will mention at the end of the post .
The generation that is revolutionizing the tourism sector and that will continue to change in the coming years.
These new trips are characterized by being shorter and having a higher budget than that of the rest of the generations


With an average duration of just over a week, the Braintrust report shows that 47% of these travelers will make at least three trips a year, reaching 71% of those who will enjoy more than two trips a year.

But what motivates them?

Sports tourism

In my case, it is usually always to know a new place like 83%, 60% follow the recommendations of friends and family or the information that 42% have seen on the internet the main reasons, leaving behind any type of advertising be it on television, movies, magazines, blogs or social networks, which should make marketing departments reflect on their investment for this type of audience.

In this sense, young people are the ones who spend the most time dreaming and planning their trip, phases to which they allocate more time than other travelers.

The latter depends on each one, in my case I am a lover of lists and I will talk about that in the next post.

I hope you found the topic interesting, see you.

Images provided: istockphoto.com/ F
Sources: tecnohotelnews.com

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The New Trips